Yoga as Preventive Measures for Lifestyle

Yoga & Preventive Measures for Lifestyle


Yoga as Preventive Measures for Lifestyle
Yoga & Preventive Measures for Lifestyle

Obesity: Condition of body in which amount of fat to extreme levels.


(1) Jadasana

Procedure: Come on your toes, keeping arms upward.

  • Raise your heals.
  • Hold for as long as you can.
  • Breathe normally.
  • Repeat 10-15 times.


  • Develop big muscles
  • Reduce obesity
  • Height of children
  • Improve body posture


  • High BP
  • Headaches or insomnia
  • People suffering from blood circulation problem
(2) Kabichakrasana

  • ‘Kati’ means ‘waist’.
  • Chakra means ‘whed’.


  • Stand straight, feet together.
  • Equivalent to shoulders.
  • Spine erect, shoulders straight.
  • Stretch your hands to front, palm facing each other.
  • Hands in line with shoulder.
  • First inhale and exhaling twist the waist to right & look back over the right.
  • Stay in this position.
  • Inhale & come back.


  • Improve flexibility of spine & a waist.
  • Strengthens waist muscles.
  • Reduce stress.
  • Relieve constipation.


  • Spinal disorders.
  • Abdominal inflammation.
  • Pregnant women.
(3) Pawanmuktasana


  • Lie down an your back.
  • Feet & arms beside your body.
  • Take deep breath, exhale & bring knees towards chest.
  • Press the thighs and abdomen with clasped hand.
  • Exhale & rebase after you rock & roll from side to 3 times.


  • Prevent & cure diabetes.
  • Improve digestive function.
  • Relievers constipation.
  • Strengthens abdominal muscles.


  • Suffering from heart problems, high BP hernia.
  • Piles.
  • Pregnant women
  • Abdominal surgery
4) Halasana: Means plagh

Procedure :

  • His straight an grand.
  • Heap palms along the body & put them straight on the ground.
  • Slowly lift the lower body part, i.e., feet & touch the ground behind head with toes.
  • Hold for 10-15 secs. & come back.


  • Strengthen the immune system.
  • Calms down nervous system.
  • Reduce stress & tension.
  • Height children.


  • Injury in neck.
  • Suffering from slipped discs.
  • Pregnant women.


  • Sit in padmasana
  • Lie in supine position & make an arc behind.
  • Hold toes with fingers of hands.
  • Stay for sometime in this position.


  • Cure back pain.
  • Cure defect of eyes.
  • Treat diabetes.
  • Improves posture.


  • High or low BP
  • Migraine injury.


  • Sit with straight legs in front.
  • Hold toes of your legs with fingers of both hands.
  • Touch the forehead to knees, after the breathe, come back.
  • Repeat 10-12 times.


  • Control obesity.
  • Cure skin disease.
  • Relieve in asthma.


  • People suffering from slipped discs.
  • Pregnant woman
  • Respiratory disease.
7) Ardhmabseyendrasana:


  • Left heel under right high & right leg over left thigh.
  • Hold the right toe with left hand.
  • Turn head backwards to right side.
  • Same asana in reverse position.


  • Obesity
  • Cure diabetes
  • Stretchability of back muscles enhences.


  • Pregnant women.
  • Hernia
  • Slipped disc.
8) Dhanurasana: Means ‘bow pose’


  • Lie down on ground on your belly.
  • Bend the knees backward.
  • Hold feet with hands below the angles.
  • Take a deep breath & raise the chest, thighs & head.
  • Now, stretch the feet, so that body takes the shop of bow.
  • Repeat asana for 3-4 times.


  • Makes spine flexible.
  • Strengthen thighs, chest deck.
  • Alleviates stress & fatigue.
  • Back pain.


  • High BP
  • Hernia
  • Pregnant women.
9) Utrasana: ‘Utra’ means camel ‘asana’ means pose.


  • Sit on your knees first.
  • Bend yourself backwards
  • Use your hands to reach out & hold respective ankles.
  • Neck & head region should more backwards.
  • Some time, push entire waist region forward.
  • Final position, breathe for 10 sec, then back to normal.


  • Strengthen back muscle.
  • Relieve back & neck pain.
  • Helps reducing fat over hips & abdomen.
  • Simulates thyroid glands.


  • Insomnia
  • Migraine
  • Weak on injured back
10) Surya Bhedna Pranayama: ‘Surya’ means sun


  • Sit in padmasana
  • Spine & head erect with eyes closed
  • Focus attention in between eyebrow’s.
  • Close lift nostril with right hard ring & little finger
  • Now close right nostril to exhale from left nostril
  • Repeat 10-15 minutes


  • Boost appetite
  • Cure gas problems
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Cure skin diseases


  • Avoid in summer
  • High BP
  • Heart disease


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